Do you know, that it is still possible to develop applications for Android using Eclipse IDE? Here you can find a short tutorial, how to install the sdk and how to setup the environment:
Android SDK and Eclipse IDE integration steps
- If you use obsolete ADT Bundle you cannot debug applications for mobile phones with Android 7.0+. But there is a solution: you only need fixed ADT which you can found here: . In Eclipse editor, just use Help-> Install new software -> Add -> Archive and locate zip file.
- As a SDK, you can use still available to download under this url:
- You have to unpack the sdk and indicate the folder in Window / Preferences / Android / SDK Location
- Please install build tools 25.0.2 in SDK Manager and uninstall newest version, because it does not contain dx.jar file.
- Do not forget to restart Eclipse and clean and build project.
- If you use graphic editor for xml layout files you can set target to lower version, otherwise it cannot render the gui.