Be smart and charge your smartphone correctly

How to charge your smarphone correctly?
New Elements battery widget
New Elements battery widget

Modern smartphones are usually equipped with Li-Ion batteries and they must be properly charged. Firstly, you cannot discharge them to 0%. According to specialist, they should be charged between 40 to 80%. As a result, do not leave your phone charged overnight. Secondly, do not use your phone intensively while charging, mainly because during charging it is getting hot. The same situation is when you use power consuming applications. Higher temperature shortens the life of phone components. In addition, do not charge your phone under a pillow or in a bag, because heat dissipation is limited.

What is the best USB charging cable?

It maybe suprising, but you have to use a proper cable for charging. While you can buy a lot of cheap cables they do not allow to charge your phone with high current. If you cannot use an original cable, choose the one, which is dedicated for charging. It usually contains thicker ground and vcc wires, hence it allow to charge using current about 2A. To check the current value, you can use USB current voltage charging meters. Furthermore do not use very long cables, because the longer the cable, the greater its resistance.

What is the best USB charger?

First of all, use orignal charger delivered with the phone. If you have to change your charger, choose one, which has the same or similar parameters. Moreover remember, that there is several standards which decide, that phone recognize charger as a charger. Phone manufactures use special voltage configuration on D+ and D- lines to distinguish the USB port in the computer from the charger.


Please remember, do not experiment with the chargers and always consult your choice with the user guide.

How to promote mobile games and increase their visibility?

Symptoms of low visibility

There is a lot of applications which has been downloaded thousands of times. On the other hand most of mobile games has less than 100 downloads – their visibility in application store is really very low. In my opinion, it is very hard to create a mobile game, which will attract players and promote itself. Moreover, we have observed, that a lot of our fans are ashamed that they play mobile games!

Diagnosis – take care of ratings

Good game has good ratings. You must understand, that good game has an average rate greater than 4.0. It means, that developers are intrested in getting only 5 stars rating, otherwise the average decreases. Furthermore, you cannot get rid of very low ratings, because some people just do it. They usually do not comment, just give one star. First of all, responding for such opinions is a vaste of time, we have never got a response what was wrong. We suppose, that some of such opinions come from companies that offer paid promotion.


First of all, usually we are fighting for five stars instead of four. As a result we always respond to opinions, when the rating is below 5 stars. Hence, you have to read the opinions of other players. As a result, for example, we added to one of our games, Splash ‘n’ Boom, movies showing how to play each game mode. Thanks to this, we reduced the number of opinions like we do not know, how to play this game. Maybe you know, but remember: people do not read user guides! Another tip for you: add several game modes. Thanks to this you will attract people with different abilities and different ages. That is why we added Egypt mode in our game Boom Balloons which significantly increased its popularity and visibility.

Prohibited activities

Another very important thing are advertisements. Remember, do not show them too ofter, otherwise they will irritate your users and you will earn a lot of low ratings. In addition do not insult users. People usually have their families and you will get a lot of ratings…

Develop Applications for Android with Eclipse

Do you know, that it is still possible to develop applications for Android using Eclipse IDE? Here you can find a short tutorial, how to install the sdk and how to setup the environment:

Android SDK and Eclipse IDE integration steps

  1. If you use obsolete ADT Bundle you cannot debug applications for mobile phones with Android 7.0+. But there is a solution: you only need fixed ADT which you can found here: . In Eclipse editor, just use Help-> Install new software -> Add -> Archive and locate zip file.
  2. As a SDK, you can use still available to download under this url:
  3. You have to unpack the sdk and indicate the folder in Window / Preferences / Android / SDK Location
  4. Please install build tools 25.0.2 in SDK Manager and uninstall newest version, because it does not contain dx.jar file.
  5. Do not forget to restart Eclipse and clean and build project.
  6. If you use graphic editor for xml layout files you can set target to lower version, otherwise it cannot render the gui.